About the work of Rob Voerman
The monumental architectural constructions, small sculptures, delicate drawings and staged photographs by the Dutch artist Rob Voerman (b. 1966) are disturbing and seductive at the same time.
They sketch a perfectly constructed, utopian world with apocalyptic traits, a world that is continually proliferating but is also protected, a world that has broken down but is also rising from its ashes.
In addition, Voerman's work has an important critical component: the central perspective has been abandoned for more points on the horizon, more views, for alternatives. In this way, in addition to an aesthetic, Voerman always performs an imaginary role: there are vehicles for thoughts, vehicles for change, discussion and analysis.
His three-dimensional sculptures and monumental installations are wonders of architectural and tactile ingenuity. They are made up of (plexi) glass, epoxy, wood, cardboard, car parts, textiles, paper, paint, glue and much more. In the monumental works, photo slides and films are sometimes shown, sometimes they are places for discussion or retreat.
Always a socially critical component is hidden in his work. The decline of democratic structures, the danger of (neo-) capitalist money systems, the nature of political and other power systems and the major ecological threats that are based on our way of life for the planet: these are issues that Voerman examines in his work, analyses and - last but not least - visualizes.
His work is also a reason to organize collection campaigns for the financing of projects in the local community. For example, with his fictitious bank building called "The Exchange" at Sonsbeek 2016, curated by Ruangrupa, Voerman raised money for a reforestation project in Sulawesi and Borneo, and donated work for philanthropic auctions.
As different as the material which Voerman works with, so are his art-historical references. Modernist artists such as Kurt Schwitters and his organically growing Merzbau, the Dutch utopian builder Constant, as well as Richard Buckminster Fuller’s ecologically inspired geodesic domes are important sources of inspiration.
Some years ago, Voerman started a new body of work, called “Places of Power”, in which he will keep working over the coming years. For this project, he builds large models of places or buildings related to power (economical, financial, information, military, etc.) He then transforms these buildings by adding his architecture and dwellings in, through and around the existing architecture. Through this, he often transforms the actual function or context of these sites/buildings. The final works are both photo- and lightbox-works as well as models/sculptures. In this ongoing project, he in a way comments on the existing power structures and raises sometimes questions on possible alternative models.
More recently, he started to make hanging installations. In these, he tackles the complex systems related to geo-politics, ecology, economy, information and power. Part of these installations are the notion of the way these systems are connected and which effects they have to each other. Over the coming years, Voerman will further develop these installations through new projects and research.
As part of his work, Voerman also travelled to conflict areas like Gaza and eastern Ukraine, in order to experience first-hand the shifting geo-political powers and what this means for the people affected by it. As a result of this, he is currently preparing a large project, which involves film, related to the Ukrainian city called Izyum, which is highly affected by the war.
Theme in Voerman’s work, like the possible breakdown of democracies through fake news and conspiracy theories, power structures, geo-politics, ecology and possible system-changes have become more and more relevant, in particularly after the new Trump administration came to power, which turned around the whole existing world order.
Voerman's work is exhibited internationally: from America to China and Japan. His work has been included in the collections of the MoMA (New York), the UCLA Hammer Museum (LA), the Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam), the Musée d'Art Contemporaine (Kinshasa), the Generali Foundation Collection (Salzburg) and numerous other public and private collections in the Netherlands and abroad.
Artist's statement 'My work is at the heart of society, it both imagines and reflects on it. In addition, I hope my work can serve as a source of change - no matter how small.’
地域社会によるプロジェクトへの資金調達のためのキャンペーン計画にも、彼の作品は利用される。2016年のソンスベーク芸術祭(Sonsbeek 2016)で「The Exchange」というタイトルの架空の銀行を建設し、スラウェシ島とボルネオ島の森林再生プロジェクトのための資金を集め、慈善オークションに作品を寄付したのも一例だ。フォーマンが扱う素材と同様に、彼の美術史の参照も多種多様だ。モダニズム芸術家のクルト・シュヴィッタースと彼の有機的に成長するメルツ建築、オランダのユートピア建築家のコンスタント、リチャード・バックミンスター・フラーのエコロジカルなジオデシック・ドームは、重要なインスピレーションの源だ。
数年前、フォーマンは「Places of Power」というタイトルの新しい作品に着手し、今後数年間はこのプロジェクトに取り組むことになる。このプロジェクトでは、権力(経済、金融、情報、軍事など)に関わる場所や建築の大型模型を制作する。それから、既存の建築の中とその周囲に、自らの建築や住居を追加することにより、これらを変容させる。こうして、彼はこれらの場所/建築の実際の機能や文脈を変化させることも多い。写真とライトボックス、そして模型/スカルプチャーが最終的な作品となる。この進行中のプロジェクトで、彼はある意味既存の権力構造についての意見を伝え、時には可能な代替モデルについての疑問を投げかける。