2024, 6,7 x 7,6 x 6,2 M (d x l x h), Wood, cardboard, glass, plexiglass and oher materials.

Installation made for the echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2024 in Museum MONet, Tokamachi, Japan

The basic question as a starting-point for this work was: "How to make the country-side in Japan attractive again, how to make it “cool” again..?" Over the last decades, more and more people moved from the countryside to the cities, leaving mostly older people behind.

The idea of some sort of space-module came to my mind. An installation that consists of four modules, which are connected with shafts.

A work that is on one side slightly ironic as suggests that for many people, moving back to the country-side seem almost as difficult as moving to space.

But there is also a very serious side to it. In order to make the country-side attractive again, one should think of how to making new kind of attractive communities. The current country-side often lacks good facilities like internet, cultural life, café’s, modern restaurants and jobs.

In oder to achieve that one should also develop a new kind of housing. A type of housing that enable people to work remotely, but still enjoy many of the cities facilities. And very important, enable people to form new communities, where people can take care of each-other again.

These set of modules in a way should represent that idea. These very different, but affordable and compact units, can easily be moved and connected to eachother, depending on the needs and wishes of the people living in it.

But apart from this the work has also become an installation with interesting sculptural qualities that visitors can explose outside and inside.

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